Table 26

Today I really feel like a writer.

I normally work from home, but today I needed a change of scenery and I am sitting in a coffee shop. I’m hiding in the corner, in running pants and a headband hoping that I don’t see anyone I know. I have my earbuds in, typing the beginning of my 2nd book (did I just say that out loud?)

I’ve been here for almost three hours and am sweating slightly due to being over caffeinated. I wonder if this is considered loitering…..I need to go home and switch the laundry and workout, but now it’s almost lunchtime and I’m getting hungry.

If I order a salad they can’t ask me to leave, right?




I am so excited and humbled this morning. I just found out that my book, “Out of the Darkroom, Into the Light” has won the Christian Small Publisher Book of the Year Award for Non-Fiction!

When I first published this book, I was full of fear, but trusted God in every step of the journey. I share my story to provide hope and healing to others and have had the opportunity to meet many incredible people and hear other women’s stories of abuse. Thank you to everyone who has supported my journey.

God is so good!


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It’s so shiny!

Could it be? The UPS truck at 6:30 pm?20151027_205921

It’s here! My author copy arrived and this is the first time I held my book. So many emotions…..

The greatest part was the anticipation on my family’s face as I opened the package. They have seen me write, re-write, and pray over this book. My husband has seen the pain and fear. God has seen me through all of it.

Out of the Darkroom, Into the Light: A Story of Faith and Forgiveness After Child Abuse will be available to the public very soon!

What happens when you trust God?

If someone had told me 2 years ago that I would write a book about my life, I would’ve laughed and said they were crazy! But when God speaks to me, I try my best to listen. Even when I was filled with doubt, God made it clear to me that I was to complete this task. I trusted Him and now my book is finished and being printed! I am hopeful that I will be able to provide hope and healing to others with my words.

….But with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26 (NLT)

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Courage or Faith?

When I started this blog I was in the beginning phases of writing my story. I was too scared to use my real name. I felt ashamed of my past and had hidden from it for many years. I was scared of how my decision to share my past would affect my family.

During this time, I felt God pulling and pushing me towards Him. Every day he gave me more confidence. I began trusting Him more and more and my fear slowly started to melt. I have told some friends and my sons about the abuse from my parents and have been met with kind words and a lot of support.

Now I am preparing to share my journey of faith and forgiveness with others. The words are written and I will be speaking about my abuse. My courage to step out in faith is a big decision, but I believe that He is with us in every detail that we entrust to Him.

I am keeping the title of my blog because I know that I am a reflection of God’s grace.

I am grace; my name is Tracey.


A glimmer of hope

Nothing gets me sidelined like a rejection letter (or 2 or 3).

“Thank you for your submission but your project isn’t right for us at this time.”

I feel myself shut down. Unworthy. What was I thinking? Maybe I got God’s message wrong.

And then a glimmer of hope among the harsh words.

“You are a strong writer.”

“Your story needs to be told.”

“Don’t give up.”

So I swallow my pride and press on…..



I’m in the process of writing my story with the hope of helping others. It took me a long time to get to this point and when I am asked the question, “why?’ I smile.

I believe that God is using me because of my past and my faith in Him. I want others who may be struggling with something in their life to have a sense of hope and know that God is always there. It may not feel like it at times, but he is. You are worthy of his love. Your faith will make him proud and in your weakness, His love will shine through you. Trust that God will show up and use you. Believing in this will give you courage and strength.

Have courage!